I originally intended to write this at the start of January and then things went a bit crazy in my personal life for the last 3 weeks which has really brought some things into perspective for me that I just hadn’t really thought about or prioritized before. So I guess, in a way, it’s a sign from the universe that now is the right time for me to be writing this versus my original plan because instead of this now being just about 2023 this is a mix of what I am aiming to accomplish this year and what my hopes are for the coming years (because let’s be real, not everything can be done in a single year sometimes).
So let’s begin!
Spend Less Time On My Phone / Social Media
This one is going to be a real test for me since I work in social media but I found that when I was out on leave from work at the beginning of 2022 (due to burnout) that I did a great job with spending way less time on my phone because I didn’t have to check anything dealing with work and that I had way better boundaries with social media. The moment I went back to work I slowly descended back into bad habits – constantly checking my phone, mindlessly scrolling social media, not being as present in the moment. I want that to change, not only for my mental health but for my relationship with my partner and other important people in my life so I can be present in the moment and not expend my energy consuming all of the time.
Read More Books
The last few years I’ve purchased a lot more books than I’ve actually read so I’d like to change that. I am hoping to read a book a week (if possible) or, at a minimum, one a month to build the habit again. I also want to keep add in self-help / inspirational books (if I read a YA book then my next should be something that is helping me towards other life goals).
Travel More
Not just to a Disney Park and it doesn’t even have to be out of state either. There is so much here in North Carolina that I have yet to explore and I’d love to be able to travel with the dogs more to give them all of the experiences they deserve.
Draw Regularly
This is something I am putting more of my energy into this year with hopefully drawing something every day of the year even if I don’t finish it.
Be Healthier
For many years now I’ve let other things in my life take center stage ahead of my health (whether that is mental, physical, or emotional). January was a wake up call for me and now that the last piece of my equipment for my at-home gym has arrived I have zero excuses for not exercising every day / other day. I also want to consume less takeout – not just because of the cost savings but to make sure I am doing what is best for my body for the log haul.
Invest in Myself
If there is one thing I don’t do enough of is bet on or invest in myself. I always feel like the things I’m doing are not that cool and no one would really care to hear about them but that’s just my doubts leading the charge. The things I want to share and do are worth doing and I bet on myself once and almost lived my dream but things happened and I took a different path, now it’s time to do it again with a little more experience this time around.
Post One Blog a Week
One of the things I am working on with myself is that even if I think that no one cares about my thoughts I should just share them anyway because who knows who will resonate with what I have to say.
I have many more that I hope to share with you all in the future but for now I’d love to hear some of your aspirations whether they are short term or long term <3