Holy cow we made it! It’s finally 2018! We made it through the most ridiculously intense year and while we might be battered and bruised it’s time to brush ourselves off, on-wards and upwards!
I didn’t really plan for this to be a really long drawn out or winded post but I did want to attempt to create a focus of sorts for myself for this new year. Before I dive into what I aspire to do in 2018 I wanted to remind myself, and others, to just let go of the negativity from 2017. I know its hard, lots of stuff happened in our lives, but negativity is like a virus –left untreated it could be fatal so its best to not hold on tight to all of the negativity, or negative people, you were surrounded by last year.
This is our year to really kick butt, take names, and be unapologetic-ally ourselves. To that end I have a few aspirations for myself this year, here we go!
- Work out more –for reals. I want to get back to feeling healthy, since I gained back all of the weight I had lost prior to moving to the bay area its important to me to get back on that horse and really work out again.
- Draw every day. Whether it is a simple sketch, or a finished piece, I want to give myself a few moments each day to just draw.
- Try new mediums. This is in addition to the above but I really need to spread my wings more and really practice more traditional mediums. I have an abundance of supplies, I just need to actually use them.
- Finish 50% of my gaming backlog. Yes that sounds super scary but I have so many great RPGs and platformers that I’ve collected over the years that I haven’t played or started but never completed that I want to really push myself to do so this year.
- Stream three times a week. Last year I received affiliate status and then went dormant for a variety of reasons. This year I want to get back into streaming and with a more focused plan of action –which I will talk about in another blog!
- Explore more. Something I don’t do enough of is exploring my surroundings. My boo and I go on walks around our local area but I want us to step up our game this year and go explore new parks / hiking spots in the new year –I have to expand my Pokemon GO Pokedex somehow!
- Cook more. We got an Instant Pot for Christmas this year so I really want to take the time to do more meal prepping, especially for crock pot dishes.
- Read 50 Books. I have been bad at reading this year, it is my number one hobby before video games or even art, but I have purchased so many amazing books that I want to take the time to actually READ them this year.
- Get more organized. I LOVE planners, a LOT, but I don’t always use them effectively. I decided that I wanted to get better at using them to be more organized, especially with all of the creative endeavors I have planned for this year I am really going to need it.
- Blog more. I say this quite often but this year is really when I get it together and properly manage this space. Before the end of 2017 I decided to separate my main site and my blog to that it would give me the mental freedom to create more content here. I am going to challenge myself to really aspire to create consistent content here each week.
And that’s a wrap for me! What are your aspirations for the New Year? Let me know in the comments and I hope you are having a great start to 2018!