Yesterday the new Netflix Original Series, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, premiered and as soon as I watched the first episode I knew I was hooked. I’ve been recommended her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and while I have purchased it for my Amazon Fire I have found myself avoiding the book. But watching this show made me emotional and felt like the kick in the pants that I sorely needed.
First, I want to say that Marie Kondo seems like the sweetest and most loving person on the planet and I want to be her best friend. Second, this show has definitely made me want to start reading her book. Third, can we all just admire all of her outfits in the show?! She is basically a Disney Princess IRL.
Now to the meat of this…
In May of 2013 moved out of my parents house to try making a true go at accomplishing one of my dream career goals (want to say that I totally crushed it and am still crushing it!) but the beginning of that journey was rough. I moved to a place that was ridiculously expensive and even though I had a nice little nest egg from an account created by my great grandmother and money I had earned while freelancing it was hard. The first 7 months I had moved to three different apartments and was having to dive head first into this dream knowing finances would be tight for a while.
In that time I had to share a room with another person which made it harder to feel like I could spread my wings and figure out my style in my own room. Even when I did finally get to have my own space I found myself feeling overwhelmed. Especially since I was living paycheck to paycheck you never feel like you can really get your feet off the ground. In March 2015 my partner and I moved in together and then in March of 2018 we moved all of our belongings from the west coast to the east coast.
Since then I’ve been so wrapped up in stuff for my day job that I haven’t yet spent anytime on our home (we now live in a 4 bedroom home vs a 1 bedroom apartment). But in that time I’ve constantly been buying stuff. Whether its notebooks, art and craft supplies, video games, electronics, clothing, etc. I just keep spending. It’s nothing outrageous (you won’t see me on an episode of hoarders) but it hasn’t been sparking any joy in my life.
I feel like this new show came at such a weird and wonderful time for me where I have a lot of personal goals for 2019 but I need to start sparking the joy in my own space before I can spark joy in other things.
If you haven’t yet, definitely check out the show. I’m going to go on a life changing journey on de-cluttering my life and I’ll keep you updated on how things turn out!