I never thought I would get stressed out as much as I have been getting the past few days. To start I have been having a never ending migraine, no not a normal headache, an irritation to light, noise, must close yourself in a dark room with complete silence MIGRAINE. It is beyond painful, work was horrible thanks to the shock wave of pain shooting through my head every 5 minutes. Since I got accepted into the FragDoll Cadette program I have been filling out paperwork for what feels like weeks, this has been both for the Cadette program, school, and other fun stuff that will be announced later.
So school, oh how the joyful days of returning to school have slowly faded. Needless to say I am not enjoying English 121 that much, I have had to write two papers this course and on my first final I made a D…which of course made me get upset. The worst part for me is that I start English 122 next week…same week I leave for PAX..I am going to be stressing out like crazy.
But this leads me to PAX…OMG I LEAVE IN SIX DAYS!! There goes the stress button again…oh boy. On a good note I am almost done with an amazing commission I hope to share with all of you soon. It has definitely been super fun to draw and my client has been so awesome to work with.
On a random note, I cleaned out who I am following on Twitter, cleaned out over 100+ people. It was surreal for me to realize that I have been following the tweets of people that I really didn’t care to get updates from. I won’t say the people weren’t nice or anything like that, they just spammed the hell out of my twitter feed to the point that I just couldn’t stay updated with the peoples updates that I actually cared about. I have been working on cleaning out my Facebook as well, made some new lists to be able to filter and keep updated with my friends, etc. As weird as this sounds, and to me I feel awkward saying it, but I created a fan page that people can keep updated with what I am doing, check out when I post artwork, etc. I don’t think I am “super awesome” to have so called “fans” but I would prefer my facebook to be a bit more private and if random people want to friend me then I figure they can “like” my fanpage and find updates here and there. I don’t know..either way I’ll release the link for that soon. I also plan on a bit more of a rant about the twitter/facebook cleansing later.So, who will be going to PAX?